You’re so ready to drop those 10-15 pounds you don’t even know what you did to gain.
You work out, eat healthy but it seems like even though you live a healthy lifestyle, it’s not making a difference like it used to.
If you’ve landed here you want to know why your body is doing what it’s doing. You’re over 40, had kids years ago and now things feel…different.
It feels like your age and hormones are making it harder to be in the body that feels like you, maybe you have a thyroid imbalance, or digestive issues, are bloated, don’t have enough energy, but you are not going to accept that it has to be this way.
You want your figure and to wear alllll of your favorite clothes, jeans, shorts, tank tops, dresses, swim suits and to feel confident in your body and to feel like you see yourself in the mirror again. And you want to feel good, all day, every day, and not have to wonder if you will.
Because right now?
Right now you’re trying everything you know to do to lose the weight, but there are so many different approaches and theories, and you aren’t sure who to believe, and if their method will work for you.
You are healthy, you are showing up, you’re not overeating sugar and you workout.
You see yourself as a healthy woman, but it’s like your body didn’t get the memo.
So what gives?
What you are eating is telling your body not to lose the weight. What you’ve been told is healthy is not healthy for your body.
The foods you eat, the timing you are eating and the workouts you are doing are telling your body to keep the weight right where it is.
You think you’re doing everything right, but if you were, the weight would be gone by now.
You may feel like your body is against you, or it’s because of your age that things slowed down.
You’re right. Your body IS different.
As you get older, your hormones may be “off” but this isn’t because of your age. There’s a tipping point that happens around 35 years old, it’s because how many years your body has worked to take care of you, and when it doesn’t get access to the right foods and ingredients, it can’t allow weight loss. If you’ve had kids, that’s an extra layer of work your body has done for you. Once you are 35 or older, weight loss = health. When you want to lose weight, mastering and eating for health is required.
Your body isn’t getting what it needs for health.
And your health trumps the weight you want to lose any day of the week. Your body will always prioritize health over ‘would be nice’ conditions like losing extra weight.
All the effort you are putting in to get back into your skinny jeans is missing the mark on giving your cells and organs what they need to create naturally balanced hormones and give your body the right signals to lose weight.
Your body isn’t a reflection of how much effort or work you put in, it’s a reflection of how well your body is functioning and able to do it’s required jobs, especially at these stages of life.
You’re dedicated and committed to losing the weight and feeling like your best self and your body should be slim, lean and naturally maintaining the weight you feel amazing at. You should be so excited to get dressed up for girls night, or date night with your husband but instead you’re stuck wearing the same black pants or black dress again and again. You want to be a healthy, happy fit mom and have your body follow your intentions.
You’re tired of the trying and ready to see real results.
You’re ready to see the benefits of your clean eating and workouts.
You’re so ready to see yourself in the mirror everyday again.
The program that shows you how to eat to induce weight loss after having kids, after turning 40, or any stage of life you may be in by showing you how to eat for true health. This means, not only will weight come off and come off simply and easily, your body will create naturally balanced hormones on it’s own, your digestion will be amazing and bloating will become impossible.
You’ll stop wondering if your meals or “right” or “working” every time you prepare them and instead know exactly what you’re eating, why you’re eating it and how to set up your own daily routine with food customized for you to make baby weight melt off of you, even while you’re breastfeeding.
You’ll be excited to workout because it will amplify and speed up seeing the leaner figure you want.
You will feel excited about each day knowing you are getting healthier and feeling and looking like yourself again day by day.
You will know exactly what your body needs now and to continue to support you as an active, busy woman and mom.
You will confident in your body and know that you are in control of how it looks and feels.
And you will be that healthy, happy mom, woman, wife you always wanted to be, wearing what you want to wear.
This program is going to give you immense confidence in yourself, your body and food and help you feel better than you ever have.

month long intensive with personalized coaching
This program is currently being offered as a one month coaching intensive (single session with me to go through exactly what your body is doing and why) and how to set up your food in a way that supports true health and allows automatic weight loss.
You have a session with me and 30 days of Voxer messenger support to implement, adjust and fine tune your own diet that gets: RESULTS as well as access to my digital program.
The breakdown of what extra weight really is, how your body holds onto weight and why and what to start eating (and not eating) immediately to start moving into weight loss mode.
This is my signature process of what and how to eat so that every food you consume is on purpose for weight loss. Your body will rapidly accept the foods you give it with ease so that it can start accelerating cleansing and improving digestion which are your two keys to fast weight loss.
How to ‘be’ the thin version of you at all times. No matter what. No matter if you have a baby or five or are any age. This is how you stay at the ideal weight you want for the rest of your life.
The way your body releases weight is the same as another woman, but how you get there depends on you, your energy, the way you are designed. You will understand the ins and outs of your unique digestive energy, how the timing of when you eat, your environment and the way your body is wired dictate your own structure and timing with food. This will also cover your best workouts, rest and sleep and how to feel like the way you ‘do’ food is just so easy and natural and you want to keep doing it.
Ok yes let’s eat whole foods….but you also love to go to dinner, meet up with the girls, have date nights and go on vacations. This is how you live your life, have all the fun and eat the foods you want and love while ‘being’ healthy, and naturally thin. You’re not on a diet. This is life, and this is where you define your own path and rules so that your body always feels and looks amazing.
You get to be in the exact body you want. 100%. AND…your life is more than your body and weight. This week you will learn how your body physically responds to your energy, how to enjoy your life through the process of releasing weight and taking all the pressure off your body to need to feel a certain way. When you lead with joy and love, you are always glowing and literally changing the chemistry of your cells.
Food always works. Your body always works. This is about finding the right foods for you that send the messages to your body to create perfect digestion, tons of energy to do what you love, health from the inside out and natural, automatic weight loss as a result of aligning with health.
You are literally DAYS away from feeling so much better.
I can’t wait to work with you.
Access my digital program Get Your Body Back with 1:1 coaching to personalize your plan. *Session with Jodi *4 weeks of Daily messenger access *Accountability with homework and weekly check ins *Customized food plan *Full support with any questions you have *Personalized instructions on eating with your human design